Long Island Premises Liability Lawyer

Real estate owners and landlords have an obligation to make appropriate efforts to maintain their property. Because if the property is not maintained properly and someone sustains an injury because of it, they will be liable. When an injury occurs, the injured party may be able to seek damages by filing a personal injury lawsuit. If a property owner’s negligence has harmed you, a Long Island premises liability lawyer with Gold & Gold, P.A., can help.

Why Choose Gold & Gold, P.A.?

  • We genuinely care about the people injured by the carelessness of others and work hard to ensure those who are harmed or injured are compensated as generously as possible.
  • Our firm practices an unmatched level of compassion and integrity. It is demonstrated in how we fight for our clients and give back to our community.
  • We are trial lawyers with the ability to negotiate. Our trial experience is intimidating to those who oppose us, so negotiations are prone to going our way to avoid a courtroom battle.

How Premises Liability Operates in New York

Owning property means taking time to repair damages and do a reasonable amount of maintenance. One of the duties that come along with owning property is minimizing the chance that someone could be harmed because you failed to do your part in keeping things safe for visitors. Premises liability law in New York dictates that landowners must reasonably take steps to prevent accidents that could be easily deterred.

An example is a rusted metal handrail on the side of a building leading upstairs. Suppose a property tenant used the banister to steady themselves while climbing the stairs and received a nasty cut on their hand because it was in disrepair. Because it was a rusty piece of metal, an infection occurred.

The building owner did not replace or repair the banister as was necessary, and now an injury has occurred. Since the building owner delayed repairs, they are now liable for what should have been an entirely preventable injury.

Typical Accidents Caused by Premises Liability Issues

There are as many ways to sustain an injury as there are properties. But, some common property neglect issues tend to cause injuries repeatedly. Here is a list of common premises liability accidents:

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  • Fires
  • Animal attacks
  • Physical assault
  • Accidental drowning
  • Faulty machinery
  • Gas explosions
  • Poorly lit areas
  • Uneven paths, floors, and walkways
  • Rickety stairs

Appropriate care should be taken to avoid injuring those who visit a property or business. When proper precautions are neglected, injuries become commonplace.

Types of Injuries Sustained From New York Premises Liability Accidents

When property owners fail to properly care for their homes, businesses, and land, it can be a recipe for disaster. Rarely is a catastrophic ever intentional, but they happen because of negligence. Some common injuries that are sustained due to negligent home and business owners are as follows, they range from catastrophic to minor injuries:

  • Back and neck injuries
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Traumatic brain injuries (TBI)
  • Broken bones and fractures
  • Burns
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Dismemberment and amputation
  • Cuts and lacerations
  • Internal injuries

Living with pain and recuperating from injuries following a premises liability accident takes it toll on the victim and their entire family. If you or someone you love has experienced an injury in an area where proper safety precautions were neglected, you might be entitled to compensation.

You May Be Entitled to Compensation

Your attorney will advise you about the specific damages that you are eligible to seek. Our team will leave nothing on the table. We will thoroughly examine all the ways that you have been damaged by the accident so that we can demand compensation for them on your behalf. Here is a list of possible damages you may seek:

  • Loss of income
  • Loss of educational opportunities
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Various necessary therapies
  • Procedures and surgeries
  • Medical tests
  • Doctor visits
  • Hospital stays
  • Medical equipment
  • Medications
  • Accessibility features for home and automobile
  • Pain and suffering

You may be eligible for compensation if you have experienced injuries due to the property owner’s negligence. Speak to your Long Island premises liability lawyer about specific damages you might be entitled to.

Proving a Premises Liability Claim in New York

To succeed in your premises liability claim, it is the burden of the injured party to provide evidence that the property owner’s negligence caused their injuries and caused them financial harm. In New York, the victim is responsible for demonstrating that a proper duty of care was not exercised and the injuries were caused because of it.

Listed below are the elements that must be exhibited to win a premises liability claim:

  • The defendant owns the property where the injury occurred.
  • The injured party was legally allowed to be on the property.
  • Dangerous conditions that contributed to the accident were present.
  • The property owner did not properly handle the conditions that led to the accident, therefore, acting negligently.
  • The owner neglected reasonable actions that could have prevented or repaired the dangerous conditions.
  • The premises owner did not provide a warning directing guests’ attention to the potential hazard.
  • The property owner’s negligence directly resulted in the claimant’s injury.
  • The claimant suffered harm as a result of the premises owner’s negligence.

Your New York premises liability attorney can aid you in investigating the accident so that you can prove that your injuries were caused because of the property owner’s failure to practice the kind of care that would keep their guests safe.

Call Today for a Free Consultation

Following an accident resulting in injuries, you need to spend your energy healing. At Gold & Gold, P.A., we understand this. We will use every resource at our disposal to investigate, analyze and tell your story compellingly so that the resolution of your claim comes as close as possible to restoring your quality of life. We are ready to negotiate for the maximum settlement, but if negotiations fail, we are prepared to take your case to court. Reach out today to discuss your case.