Long Island Car Accident Attorney

According to the New York State Department of Health, car accident crashes are the leading cause of injury-related deaths for New York state residents. If you have been injured or have lost a loved one in a car accident, you should speak with a Long Island car accident attorney as soon as possible. Whether you have car insurance coverage or not, you may still need the assistance of a car accident attorney to protect your interests. To find out more about your legal rights and how a car accident attorney can help you, call the experienced team at Gold & Gold.

  • For more than 40 years, Gold & Gold’s team of attorneys has been fighting with integrity for the injured and those who have lost loved ones.
  • We have recovered millions in verdicts and settlements for our clients seriously injured in car accidents in New York.
  • Even in hotly contested cases, through our relentless pursuit of justice, we have secured significant compensation for our clients.

If you have suffered serious injuries, let the skilled car accident attorneys at Gold & Gold handle your legal claim while you focus on your physical recovery. We work hard to secure the best possible outcome on your behalf, whether that is through mediation, settlement, or trial. To find out how we can help, call us today at (516) 888-4653 to schedule a free case evaluation.

Why Choose Gold & Gold Car Accident Attorneys?

  • Through integrity, compassion, and hard work, we have tenaciously and aggressively fought for car accident victims for over forty years and counting. Our goal is to resolve each case successfully for our clients while holding drivers who conduct themselves recklessly and with negligence accountable so they do not injure anyone else in our community.
  • Our success speaks for itself. We have a reputation for positively resolving all of the cases for our clients. We are a favorite in the area because of the results that we regularly secure.
  • We strive for justice for our clients who have been injured or have lost their lives in a car accident. When justice is served, it often comes through significant compensation.

Common Causes of Car Accidents in NY

Car accidents are happening constantly in New York and other areas around the world, and often for similar reasons. The thing they have in common is that a great number of them could have been avoided since driver error is often to blame.

Distracted Drivers

One of the main causes of crashes on NY roads is that drivers are inattentive. This happens for various reasons. Some are visual, some auditory, some manual, and some cognitive.

Some of the more common distractions are listed below:

  • Mobile phones can be so helpful, but they can also be deadly if used while driving. Drivers should take care not to text, make phone calls, or engage with their mobile phones while driving.
  • Interacting with passengers can distract the driver. Parents with kids, teenagers with their friends, and people with their pets can distract them from the road.
  • The navigation system installed in a driver’s car or mobile device can be endlessly helpful but can also cause drivers to take their eyes off the road. Sometimes, the second a driver glances away from the road is the second they need to react or head off an accident.
  • Grooming, eating, adjusting the radio, or the climate control system can all lead to inattention that could have catastrophic consequences.

Impaired Driving Can Have Fatal Consequences

Another reason many accidents happen in New York can be attributed to impaired driving. Drivers who drink, use drugs, even over-the-counter or prescribed medications, can have a deadly impact. Driving when your senses are remotely dulled can cause tragic accidents.

Failure to Yield the Right-of-Way

When a motorist should yield the right-of-way, others on the road trust that they will do so. If the driver fails to yield, other vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles could all be in jeopardy. Yielding the right-of-way is an important part of keeping everyone sharing the road safely.

Ignoring Traffic Lights, Signs, and Signals

Orderly management of traffic happens because there are signs and signals instructing drivers on what is required of them. By ignoring traffic instructions, motorists become confused about what should be done next, leading to accidents.

Following Too Close For Conditions

When drivers tailgate, they cannot react or anticipate what the vehicle ahead of them will do next. This can quickly create a dangerous traffic situation.

How Much Is My Car Accident Injury Case Worth?

If you have been injured in a car accident, your expenses are likely piling up. From medical expenses to lost income, the financial consequences can take a hefty toll on you and your family. An experienced car accident attorney can help you secure the compensation you need to cover your damages.

There is no way to predict exactly how much you will receive in compensation, however, there are certain factors that will be considered when putting a value to your claim:

  • The severity of your injuries and any past and future medical expenses
  • The value of your actual damages including your non-economic damages like pain and suffering
  • The evidence supporting your claim
  • The defendant’s capacity to pay your claim

Our experienced Long Island car accident team at Gold & Gold will investigate your case and secure the evidence required to support your claim. We will fight hard to get you full and fair compensation for your injury.

Contact Gold & Gold Car Accident Attorneys if You Have Been Involved in an Automobile Accident in NY

The experienced legal team at Gold & Gold is ready to help. We will evaluate your case, collect evidence and do our best to convince the insurance companies and possibly the court of the damages you are entitled to receive. Contact us today so we can discuss what we can do for you.

You Deserve an Experienced Long Island Car Accident Attorney

A car accident can leave you with injuries that require long-term care and rehabilitation. You deserve compensation for the damages you suffer as a result of your car accident injury. At Gold & Gold, we will passionately pursue a legal solution in your best interest and get you the compensation you deserve. We offer free case evaluations. Call us today at (516) 888-4653 to schedule an appointment with one of our experienced Long Island car accident attorneys.