Huntington Brain Injury Attorney

If you or a loved one has suffered a brain injury as a result of another person’s negligence, you may be entitled to financial compensation. You need an experienced personal injury attorney to help you get the money you need. The Huntington brain injury attorneys at Gold & Gold can help you fight for what you deserve.

  • Gold & Gold has been fighting with integrity for the injured for more than 40 years. We pride ourselves on holding others accountable for their actions to help make our communities safer places to live.
  • Over the years, our law firm has secured significant compensation for our clients in a variety of practice areas, including brain injury.
  • Our reputation for integrity and hard work demands respect from opposing counsel, insurance companies, and other involved parties. We are trial lawyers first and are ready to take a case to trial to secure the best outcome for our clients.

We care about our community and passionately pursue the interests of our clients. We dedicate our professional resources to ensuring that we get the best outcome for every client we represent. Let us help you get the financial compensation you deserve in your case. Call Gold & Gold today at (516) 888-4653 to schedule your free case evaluation. We offer free case evaluations.

Effects of a Brain Injury

A brain injury can be the result of a few different actions including car accidents, falls, medical negligence, and physical assault. The effect of a brain injury on the victim’s life will depend on the severity of the injury. A brain injury can be mild, moderate, or severe. Some of the effects of a brain injury include:

  • Dizziness
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Frontal head pain
  • Blurred vision
  • Recurrent headaches
  • Memory problems

While some patients may recover from their brain injury, others may require life-long medical care. Their injury may also limit their ability to work and contribute to family life.

How Much Compensation Can I Get for a Brain Injury?

Given how debilitating a brain injury can be, a victim’s damages can be very extensive. In assessing your case, the following factors may impact the value of your compensation:

  • Your medical records
  • Testimony and evidence about the incident that caused your brain injury
  • Your age
  • Past and future pain and suffering
  • The outcome of other jury verdicts and settlements for similar cases

Depending on the incident that caused your brain injury, the defendant may try to reduce their liability by blaming you for the accident. This is not an unusual tactic in auto accidents involving pedestrians, bicycle riders, and motorcyclists. Because New York follows the pure comparative negligence rule, being partly at fault for your brain injury does not stop you from making a claim for damages. Under the pure comparative negligence rule, you can still recover damages even if you were 90% at fault for the incident that caused your injury. Your recoverable compensation will be reduced by the percent of fault attributed to you.

There is no way to predict the exact amount of compensation you will receive. However, Gold & Gold has a track record of seven-figure settlements for brain injury victims. We aim to recover the maximum compensation that you are entitled to and we deploy our resources to ensure that we get the best outcome possible for our clients.

Contact an Experienced Huntington Brain Injury Attorney

If you suffered a brain injury due to another person’s negligence, our experienced Huntington brain injury attorneys can help you. We offer free case evaluations and are happy to answer your legal questions. Call us at (516) 888-4653 today.